ERI & Sequrest: A partnership for a full range of cyber security solutions

Geneva – ERI is pleased to announce that it has concluded a partnership agreement with Sequrest. This will enable ERI to provide a full range of cyber security consulting and associated solutions to its customers using the OLYMPIC Banking System in all major financial centres where ERI operates.
Nicholas Hacking, Sales Director, ERI said: “our customers face unprecedented security challenges. We therefore selected Sequrest as a cyber security partner as they offer expertise and powerful technology solutions that can support our customers in protecting against evolving cyber and digital threats. I was impressed with their vision for meeting dynamic cyber security challenges head on. The ability for our customers to access a world class cyber security platform at a fraction of the normal investment level is a compelling proposition for organisations that want robustness and resilience in this digital age.”
Robert McClure, Managing Director, Sequrest added: “As a modular solution, the OLYMPIC Banking System offers financial institutions the ability to progressively add functionality as business needs change and expand. The Sequrest cyber security platform can viewed as another modular add-on, ensuring ERI customers benefit from complete protection against growing cyber threats. As a product agnostic integrator of cyber and digital solutions, Sequrest can be relied on to provide independent advice and guidance on how each customer can best mount an effective defence. We share the same values as ERI, namely a strong focus on customer service quality and building long term relationships using technology as an enabler for delivering digital excellence.” (ERI/mc)
About ERI
ERI is an international company specialising in the design, development, distribution and support of the integrated, real-time banking and wealth management software package: OLYMPIC Banking System®. Operating in many of the major financial centres, ERI is present in Geneva, Zurich, Lugano, London, Luxembourg, Singapore, and Paris. ERI is focused on providing comprehensive, quality, software with effective system implementation assistance and efficient on-going maintenance and support for clients worldwide. More than 300 banks and financial institutions across over 50 countries have already chosen the OLYMPIC Banking System.
About Sequrest
Sequrest is an end to end cyber and digital security integrator and facilitator, specialising in immediate solutions for commercial organisations. Based in London, United Kingdom and offices in Europe and the Middle East, Sequrest provides complete, end to end cyber security solutions that provide organisations with the maximum protection against current and future cyber threats. It is also developing a new Security-as-a-Service (SECaaS) platform which will be launched in 2018. Sequrest has had successful operations and deployments in over twenty countries, and three continents, representing over 400 organisations across the spectrum of finance and business.