Unigestion chooses AIM Software’s GAIN to meet front-, middle- and back-office data needs

Martin Buchberger, CEO AIM Software.

Vienna – AIM Software announces that Unigestion has selected specific AIM Business Applications to strengthen its front, middle and back office operations across its investment lines.

Unigestion is a leading asset manager offering robust, tailor-made investment solutions, managing USD 16 billion of assets in sophisticated strategies including Risk-Managed Equities, Hedge Funds, Private Assets and Cross Asset Solutions.

Unigestion has already started the rollout of GAIN as a central data management platform across all asset classes. The running project will deploy AIM business applications covering static reference data, pricing, corporate actions, and investment research data.

AIM Software was chosen as the result of a comprehensive selection process involving leading Enterprise Data Management (EDM) suppliers within the Financial Services industry. GAIN was selected due to the business-friendliness of its applications, its flexibility in modeling financial instruments and its official partnership with SimCorp, whose Dimension platform Unigestion has also recently selected to implement.

Alanh Husson, Chief Project Officer at Unigestion, comments: «We have chosen GAIN over its competitors because of its unique strategy to deliver targeted business applications rather than tool-based custom development. In addition, AIM was the only firm to actually address our needs over the complete lifecycle of financial instruments, starting from research (pre trade) to the management of instrument data held in our investment portfolios.”

Josef Sommeregger, Global Head of Business Development and Strategy, comments: «Asset Managers are under huge pressure to adopt best practices, in a race to attract larger investors› assets. We see a growing demand from asset managers to industrialize their data activities, so that they can improve their business decisions with tailor-made investment solutions around Equities, Hedge Funds, Private Assets etc., while at the same time reduce their operational risks. We are proud to welcome Unigestion in our growing community of asset managers and hedge funds.” (AIM/mc/ps)

About AIM Software
AIM Software is the leading independent provider of data management business applications to the financial services industry since 1999. With more than 110 references, and offices in Austria, Luxembourg, Switzerland, France, and the UK, AIM offers low risk all-in-one software packages, based on its industry-proven data management platform GAIN. For further information, please visit www.aimsoftware.com.

About GAIN
GAIN is the new generation EDM platform for data management business applications. It combines the flexibility of a modern platform with fully maintained purpose-built business applications. The business applications include security master data, reference data, pricing hub, corporate actions and legal entities. Compared to traditional approaches to data management based on tools and frameworks, GAIN’s Business Application approach ensures custom developments are kept to a minimum, projects are implemented faster and the overall cost of ownership over the life of a program is lower.


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