The Monkey King: Monkey Goes to the Sea

STORY SO FAR: Monkey, having saved his clan from the Demon of Havoc, brings the monkeys home but promises he will now do something very important.

I need a real weapon. Not just any weapon, however. Since I’m special, it must be special too.»

Old Grandmother monkey stood up. «Your Majesty, my grandfather told me that he learned from his grandfather, who learned from his grandfather, that at the bottom of the Eastern Sea there lives a Dragon King who has many special weapons. But as you see, the trouble is, he lives underwater.»

«Underwater!» cried Monkey. «A small matter. Of course I can visit this Dragon King. That’s the kind of king you have.» So saying, he ran to the iron bridge, recited a spell, and jumped into the churning stream. At once, a whirlpool caught him up and carried him right to the bottom of the Eastern Sea in front of the Dragon Palace. How beautiful it was! The palace was made entirely of white coral and was studded with thousands of gleaming pearls. Millions of crabs mounted on the backs of sea horses stood guard, commanded by bright red lobster generals. But the Dragon King himself was the most magnificent sight. 

Majestic and dignified, he surveyed his kingdom from his throne, which was the back of a gigantic sea turtle. 

The Dragon King looked surprised to see Monkey, and felt a little nervous too. Only a greatly powerful being could appear at the bottom of the sea. «Welcome, sir,» he said politely. «What can I do for you?»

«It’s embarrassing to ask you a favor on my first visit,» Monkey said, grinning. «But I am the Magnificent Monkey King. I need a suitable weapon for myself, the better to defend my clan. I was told you had many magical weapons to spare.»&What a rude request! Dragon King did not like Monkey, but dared not refuse.  «I don’t have so many weapons to spare,» he said. «But for you . . . let the Hammer Head Shark come forth!»

The Hammer Head Shark swam forward and offered his hammer. Monkey King shrugged. «A hammer is too ordinary a weapon for me,» he said. «Surely you can do better.» Twin spirals of smoke bubbled out of the Dragon King’s nose. But he only said, «Let the Sword Fish enter!» The Sword Fish swam into view and offered his sword.

«No, no. That’s much too ugly,» said Monkey King. «It’s not even worth touching.» Dragon King turned blue with anger. But he said, «Let the Nar-Whale enter.»
A Nar-Whale arrived, and offered his pointy head spike. Monkey King looked it over, only to wave it away. «I’m afraid not,» he said. Dragon King was nearly spitting fire. He glowered at Monkey. «I have nothing else to show you.»

«I know you can do better,» soothed Monkey. He had noticed a golden light coming from a room behind the Dragon King’s throne. «What’s that?» Without waiting for an answer, he barged into the Dragon King’s Treasure Hall. Monkey paid no attention to the jewels. His eyes were drawn to a thick iron pillar in the center of the room. It was about a hundred feet long and glowed with innumerable beams of golden light.

«That,» said Dragon King, «is the magic pillar that holds up an island on the sea surface. It weighs thirteen thousand, five hundred pounds.» «Ah,» said Monkey. «Is that so? It would be the perfect weapon for me except that it’s too long and too thick.» Instantly the pillar became shorter and thinner. 
Everyone was astonished, including Dragon King. «It’s magic!» Monkey cried. «How convenient. A little shorter and thinner,» he commanded, staring at the pillar. It shrank until it was the size of a toothpick.

«Now larger . . . a little larger . . . ah!» When it was big enough to fit comfortably in his paw, Monkey grabbed it and examined it closely. It was made of coal black iron, with golden clasps. Monkey tested it with a few thrusts and passes. Golden beams shot throughout the Treasure Hall. «Splendid, splendid! Thank you, Dragon King!» Monkey turned to leave.

«But the island!» Dragon King shouted. «It’s going to float away!» «I hope it has a good voyage,» Monkey said, laughing as he ran out. «Stop that thief!» cried Dragon King. Instantly forty-two thousand angry crabs, each with their pincers raised at the ready, swarmed forward. Monkey King was surrounded by nipping, snapping claws! They were closing in. Monkey stuck out his new weapon and began to spin. Faster and faster he turned, making a great funnel of water that the crabs could not penetrate. 

«I’ll pay you a good price later,» Monkey shouted. «Farewell!» He ran up the wall of the funnel, straight up to the surface of the water and the iron bridge. Monkey waved his shining new treasure over his head and exclaimed, «Now I am prepared for anything!»

(To be continued.)

Text copyright © 2001 Ji-li Jiang
Illustrations copyright © 2001 Hui Hui Su-Kennedy
Reprinted by permission of Breakfast Serials, Inc .

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