Roche-Gruppe nutzt neu Google Apps for Business

Dr. Alan Hippe, Chief Financial and IT Officer der Roche-Gruppe.
Zürich – Die Roche-Gruppe, eines der weltweit führenden, forschungsorientierten Unternehmen in den Bereichen Pharma und Diagnostics mit Hauptsitz in Basel, wird Google Apps for Business einsetzen.
Mehr als 90’000 Roche-Mitarbeiter in 140 Ländern werden Google Apps nutzen. Dr. Alan Hippe, Chief Financial and IT Officer der Roche-Gruppe, erläutert im Google Enterprise Blog in Englisch die Gründe für den Wechsel: (Google/mc/hfu)
The Roche Group goes Google
Posted by Dr. Alan Hippe, CFO and CIO, the Roche Group
Editors note: Todays guest blogger is Dr. Alan Hippe, CFO and CIO of the Roche Group, one of the worlds leading research-focused healthcare groups in the fields of pharmaceuticals and diagnostics. See what other organizations that have gone Google have to say.
The Roche Group is a leader in research-focused healthcare with combined strengths in pharmaceuticals and diagnostics. For over 110 years, Roche has been pioneering the discovery, development, production and marketing of novel healthcare solutions. Our focus has always been on innovation. For the last two and a half years, our two different email and calendaring platforms have often been an obstacle for effective collaboration. To end these platform interoperability issues, the Roche Corporate Executive Committee made the decision that all employees will move to Google Apps as the single common platform for the Roche Group.
When we evaluated new cloud-based solutions, Roches Corporate Executive Committee was impressed with the outstanding service and rapid innovation of Google Apps. Google Apps will enable over 90,000 employees to work better together from anywhere. The way our employees communicate and collaborate is diverse, and our employees are spread across over 140 countries. The integrated and socially-focused way that Google Apps enables collaboration is very compelling, and we expect this to not only bring our company closer together, but give us a strategic advantage. Additionally, being able to deploy Google Apps by simply enabling them via a control panel versus planning for and deploying complex infrastructure in our datacenters will help us focus on our core business — helping save patients› lives
Employees will be able to access their email and documents from any web-enabled device, without using remote access systems such as VPN. This will make it easier for employees to work from home or on the go and it will reduce the strain on our IT support teams. Removing barriers to communication and innovation while enhancing mobile access is a key part of our Roche IT strategy. Roches history is one of innovation and progress and we believe that aligns well with the capabilities provided by Google Apps. Were excited to begin moving our employees to Google Apps and were confident that Googles experience in successfully moving other large organizations to the cloud will make this a smooth transition.
Über Google:
Googles innovative Suchtechnologien und Web Services bringen jeden Tag Millionen von Menschen auf der ganzen Welt in Kontakt und geben ihnen die Möglichkeit, sich untereinander auszutauschen. Gegründet wurde das Unternehmen 1998. Firmengründer Larry Page und Sergey Brin haben Google in allen global operierenden Märkten zu einem der bedeutendsten Unternehmen im Web gemacht. Das zielgerichtete Werbeprogramm von Google ermöglicht Unternehmen unabhängig von ihrer Grösse messbare Erfolge und verbessert gleichzeitig die allgemeine Weberfahrung für die Nutzer. Neben dem Hauptsitz im kalifornischen Silicon Valley ist Google mit Büros und Niederlassungen in ganz Amerika, Europa und Asien vertreten. Google ist seit 2004 in der Schweiz tätig. Mit über 750 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern aus über 75 Nationen ist Zürich der grösste Forschungs- und Entwicklungsstandort von Google ausserhalb der USA.