Zurich – The SWISS STARTUP GROUP as new holding company of the Swiss Startup Factory has been established over the last months and has successfully completed an important financing round by welcoming a very selected group of high-level investors.

The Swiss Startup Factory looks back to a very intense 2.5 years build up phase with the successful creation of one of the most valuable Startup Accelerator programs in Switzerland. Over the last 18 months SSUF has executed 3 successful accelerator batches and has invested in 18 early stage startups. The founders of SSUF have developed a very unique and purely privately financed Swiss startup platform to scout, analyze and accelerate the most promising early stage ICT startup projects in Switzerland. Max Meister, Co-Founder and CEO, comments: “The last two years are a great proof of concept for us and we are amazed by the market response. Together with our strategic partners we will now focus on internationalization, while corporate acceleration will play an even more important role in our future business model.”

Over the last months an important strategic milestone has been reached by founding the SWISS STARTUP GROUP (SSUG). This company acts as parent company and consolidates all activities and holdings of the Swiss Startup Factory. Together with Michael Widmer, who acts as legal counsel of SSUG, two Co-Founders of SSUF will be part of the Board of Directors: Mike Baur acts as Executive Chairman while Max Meister holds the role of Delegate of the Board of the SWISS STARTUP GROUP.

The SWISS STARTUP GROUP is ambitious to become the most important early stage startup investor in Switzerland and has successfully completed an important financing round by welcoming a very selected group of high-level investors. The transaction has been completed within 2 months. Mike Baur, Executive Chairman of the SWISS STARTUP GROUP, comments: «With the SSUG we want to put Switzerland on the map of international early stage investors. For us, this is just the beginning of a very exciting but also challenging mission. We are thankful for the investors trust and we are fully conscious of the responsibility and performance driven ambition of the SWISS STARTUP GROUP». (mc)

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